Not Religion

Discover the freedom and joy of a Christ-centered faith.

Not Religion

Discover the freedom and joy of a Christ-centered faith.

Not Religion

Discover the freedom and joy of a Christ-centered faith.

Not Religion

Discover the freedom and joy of a Christ-centered faith.

Not Religion

Discover the freedom and joy of a Christ-centered faith.

When You Pray

Jesus takes it for granted that His disciples will pray. This is why four times in a row He says, “WHEN you pray” and not “IF you pray.” But from these brief excerpts of Scripture we learn that there are at least two classes of prayer. One is unacceptable to God, and the other is well-pleasing to Him.

“Teach these things to faithful people who can teach others.”
2 Tim. 2:2

7 Kingdom Misconceptions

7 Kingdom Misconceptions

For most Christians today, the Kingdom of God is a vague, mystical non-reality. Heaven is a celestial rest home for dearly departed saints. The Kingdom is mentioned twice in the ceremonial recitation of the Lord’s Prayer but has virtually no impact on the spiritual consciousness of the average church-goer.

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The Law of Life

The Law of Life

The branch who abides in the Vine does not have to know how it abides. So long as it abides, it shares in the Life of the Vine. It does not have to ask how it works, and it does not have to be concerned with producing the fruit. It does nothing but abide, and the Life of the Vine keeps it.

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To Whom Am I Sent?

To Whom Am I Sent?

Often we take the easy yoke and the light burden of the Lord and turn it into a difficult yoke and a heavy burden. This happens when we go beyond the place God has appointed us and take it upon ourselves to do things He has not called us to do, go to places He has not called us to go to, and speak with people to whom we have not been sent.

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OTC 19: Looking for Fellowship in All the Wrong Places

Kind of like that old song - “Looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces.” I suppose that applies to some Christians looking for love in the form of fellowship, too; looking for fellowship in all the wrong places, looking for fellowship in too many faces. Why do we do that? I think there are a couple of reasons why...

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This online course is for anyone who wants to grow closer to the Lord – especially if you want a deeper relationship with God without religion, church, and all the other “stuff” that complicates the simplicity of that relationship.


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